Background Graphics logo

Details & Download

This robust metallic texture tiles seamlessly, leaving no obvious edges in backgrounds, regardless of how large the space is. Structured and strong, this metallic tiled background is assertive, yet relatively non-instrusive.

This background (BG00064) is a 512x512 pixel 72 DPI seamless tiling background. To download it, simply right click on the image below, and click "Save Image As.."

Metallic Tiled Background Texture

This background has been created by the team at Curiosity Cave, who run the Background-Graphics website. You're free to use this on personal or commercial websites, graphic design or 3D modelling projects. You're also welcome to modify the file if needed. You are not permitted to redistribute this or other background images from this website to others. If you wish to share this resource, please direct people to the website. Thanks.